We are proud of the communities in which we live and work. Community involvement and philanthropy are important parts of our company culture. As we emerge from the pandemic, we look forward to resuming our yearly days of service.
Rhonda, Dave and Big Dog Construction Services support many organizations, including the following. Please take a moment to learn more about them.

David Rosenof’s support of the Greater Fort Lauderdale Alliance and our Permitting Action Team has been tremendous.  David has served since 2016 on the Permitting Action Team and on the Chair’s Advisory Committee. His contribution has been invaluable.  His focus was on the permitting process during his term as President of the Broward League of Cities, while he was also serving as Vice Mayor of the City of Parkland. His goal was to look at best practices within the County that could become unified in operations, as well as standards that all municipalities could adopt.  David, to this day, is still focused on that mission and direction.

His experience as a former elected official and his work as a General Contractor blend the perspectives of the private and public sector, as well as the municipalities. This comprehensive view and his ownership of a private construction company drive him to continually strive to make permitting business-friendly in Broward County.

Big Dog Construction Services became an active member of the Greater Fort Lauderdale Alliance and has been deeply involved in the economic development and jobs growth mission of the Alliance.  Over the years, Alliance Staff members have called upon David for assistance. He has always said “yes” to the task.

I respect David as a businessman but, more importantly, consider David a personal friend. I enjoy working at David’s side as we continue our focus of economic development for Broward County.

Jack Bennings

Director, Workforce Services - CareerSource Broward/Greater Fort Lauderdale Alliance

2019 Big Dog Day of Service – Feeding South Florida

Big Dog brought 17 employees to volunteer for a day at Feeding South Florida. We learned about the huge need in our community, how much food is wasted, and how we can help.

2018 Big Dog Day of Service – Humane Society of Broward County

We brought the whole team to help the Humane Society of Broward County for our 2018 “Big Dog Day of Service.” The event allowed us to take a “paws” from our regular schedule to volunteer at a place that we hold special in our hearts.  We even brought Callie so everyone working there could see how she became one of their success stories.